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The Science of Happiness


Dr. Ronald Siegel, assistant clinical professor of psychology at Harvard Medical School and editor of Harvard Health Publication's special health report, Positive Psychology, discusses what it takes to be happy.
Well Being before Learning
Keynote address
Dr. Martin Seligman discusses how to increase well being in our selves and in our children in keynote address to the Wellbeing Before Learning; Flourishing students, successful schools conference in Adelaide on Feb 27th 2012.
Three Good Things
A video clip
Dr. Martin Seligman explains the Three Good Things Exercise and how it promotes happiness.
The Science of Character
A video clip
A video that explains how we exercise our character strengths enhances our well being.
by Martin Seligman
The Optimistic Child
by Martin Seligman
Character Strengths
Re-discover your strengths.
by Carol S. Dweck
The Resilient Child
by Joanne Joseph
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